Engagement Photoshoot


Couples, Proposals & Engagement Photography




In case you wondered what the word couple means… let me clarify

two people who are married or otherwise closely associated romantically

two persons paired together

to join in a pair; unite… or perhaps engaged ?


So I wondered what couples in history were well known and would impact the world in an amazing way, so I made a short list:

Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds, Idris and Sabrina Elba, Rachel and Siya Kolisi,

Maria Francisca Perello & Rafael Nadal,  Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, Barack and Michelle Obama.

Perhaps I can also include

my Godparents married for 60 years this year, or perhaps,

if I dare I can even add me and you to this list because,


“Two are better than one,
    because they have a good return for their labour:
 If either of them falls down, one can help the other up.”


Looking for a couple photographer in Pretoria or the surrounding areas of Gauteng?



Mail Me –  Facebook Instagram 


Every Story Is Beautiful – Every Moment Is Precious And I Would Love To Be Able To Tell Your Story through photography.

The emphasis is on documenting special moments, capturing spontaneous displays of emotion, telling your story, as well as creating artistic portraits and details.



Previous clients shared their experience with The Girl With The Camera.


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